Monday, June 22, 2009

First post from a netbook

So, this is my first post from a netbook. Just looks a little too small really. Luckily my fingernails are long right now. Got to love that Target store. Maybe I will carry it around for a while. With the MiFi, and a netbook, you can realy be mobile.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Blackberry Tour

Welcome to the new Blackberry Tour AKA Niagra, AKA 9630. I have completly transistioned all my connections to it for my main phone. It has been really good, the new screen is perfect, definatly has so much better browsing and icons on screen.
It is a world phone with full unlocked GSM support. I do have some issues with signal I have noticed. Battery life is pretty similar to my Curve.

HTC Snap

i recieved the HTC Snap this week. I tried it just this friday. It is a phone to replace the Moto Q style size and configuration. It has a new interface over the WinMo Standard 6.1. The very first thing thats wrong, is the kkeyboard.
It has the shift button directly below the Q key, which makes it very hard to transition to. I constantly keep hitting the shift key instead of A. I really can't use the phone without some real issues.
I will try to test call quality and signal test next week.

Touch Pro2 Update

So, I have been using the TouchPro2 for over a week. Battery life had been decent, but today without ever using it at all, and taking it off the charger at 9:30AM, at 10PM it had no bars left. This is on a Saturday by the way. Hardly no email. Whats the deal? Maybe it needs a reboot, I havent removed replaced the battery since I started using it. It has seemed to slow down some.
Been using the WiFi to try the webcam software. It just opens to a blank page.
Still love the keyboard.
This UFC finale is distracting me too much.

Friday, June 12, 2009

I don't get it.

If someone is losing their house, do they need cable? If someone is losing their house, do they need high speed internet? A dog? Big screen TV's? I know I would feel different. When I had issues with money and needed it, I would sell stuff. I have plenty to sell. I would have a garage sale. I also know that I would be doing all I can to work ANYWHERE the exact moment I lost my job. I know its a different world out there right now. Many people without jobs. But alot just sit around and whine about it. Can you not work at a restaurant or anything? I was without work for a week or so and ended up with two jobs at the same time. By the way, the total ditz on Wheel had a whole puzzle listed all but AL_ACORE TUNA and said "F"? I haven't ever heard of Alfacore tuna.
People need to wake up. Eating out, SMOKING! That's another one. How can you afford cigarettes?
I am not bailing people out. I can tell you that.

Tuesday, June 09, 2009

From the new Touch Pro 2!

So this is a blog entry from the new rhodium aka 7830 aka touch pro 2. Its like the smallest laptop you ever seen. I think it could really work. I would be nice to watch tv on it im sure. So i give this two thumbs up, way up for it. I was never really super impressed with the Touch Pro. The keyboard didnt do it for me. So now i just want to know the launch date of this baby. Now i think I will find a laptop to work from. Thanks again.