Monday, March 09, 2009

My crowning attempt

So, I had to have a dentist appointment. I had to get a crown today. I really thought it would be alot worse. I kind of just took it. I also think it had to do with getting someone who actually listened to me to get enough novacaine. I had them do it before they finished the cleaning. Pretty good job. I told them they get a gold star. So, here is your gold star.
I got a new phone today to review. The Motorola i465 Blackstone. What a cool name. I don't know what I think about the keyboard yet. I also still don't like the old Nextel interface. Why does it have to "download" text messages. Are they not sent to the phone already? When it gets the battery fully charged I will do some more review.
Also, I heard yesterday that I am getting a weekend with my bro and nieces. I guess they were going to tell me after they showed up I guess. My sis-in-law says she wants a weekend without the kids. So she is letting them do this. Won't that be nice? I really do want them to come up. It will be awesome to have them up here. I would'nt mind having her here as well. She has been staying away for a while for some reason.
I am watching House now. Pretty good episode.