Friday, October 26, 2007

Blogging from the Nissan Dealer

So, I am on free Wi-fi at the Nissan dealer. I don't have a battery charger so I don't have long. I think I only have 2hr and 13 minutes left. I hope they do get the fuel pump deal all replaced. I will be happy if they do. Ok, I am signing off.

Wednesday, October 03, 2007

All's in the family

Tonight, I have a full house. All beds are occupied and even a play pen. Z, K, M, and C and mom and dad came up from Topeka to go the doctors. Z was supposed to get her cast off, and then get a appointment at Childrens. But the nurse at KU called and cancelled it. So, now what? They ended up not going anywhere and we went shopping and stuff. I took them to the Deanna Rose farmstead. They loved it. I still have a lot of quarters left from the change machine. I also got to take Z to Costco and "SuperTarget" ! Z kept saying that while holding her hands in the air, kind of screaming it. She hadn't been that excited about Target for a while.
Everyone is going to bed now. I guess I should too. Don't want to be the last one getting up and not getting any hot water.