Thursday, February 28, 2008

Sitting on Center Strip...

I am once again in Vegas. This time its business. I am doing this from my hotel room, at the IP. Not a bad hotel, definitely closer proximity to the better hotels. Walking distance is good. Going to get a monorail pass to ride around. Hopefully not get shafted this time. Got to go find something for dinner, by myself. Some have left and some are leaving in the morning so I do not have any companions. Maybe when I get back tonight I will let you know how it went.
Goodbye from Vegas!

Monday, February 11, 2008

Little Update

So, I just thought I would say a little something on here. I am in the loft, and on the Imac. I love the screen and the funny thin little keyboard. I just really hate the corded mouse. I need to remember to order a couple wireless ones at work for it.
Anyway, I have quit shaving for the last few months. If I get up the nerve I may post a pic. I am using many excuses. Real excuse is I didnt want to have to clean my bathroom after I got it so cleaned up a few months ago, and did'nt want to get hair everywhere. True. So , I am going to Vegas again at the end of the month. For a Digital Signage Expo. Should be a good getaway. This retail store has been driving me nuts. From the avocents to the Scala players. No end is in sight. Maybe. Ok, so its past my bedtime. Time to get to bed before 1:00 tonight. I mean this morning. Whatever! (As Zaylee says now) L8r!