The First Box

So my friend got his uniforms, now the packing begins. We did the first box, but looks like this weekend will be really busy. I wonder how my air conditioner will work in the garage. Its a 7000 BTU model. We had Subway for dinner. I am still playing with this laptop still. I didn't get to work with it much today. I also didn't get to work with the Macs today at all. I have to still get them done this week. I hope I can. I have seemed to bit off more than I can chew, maybe.
I love the keyboard on this machine. Especially how well it types. I don't like the pointer mouse though. It seems to make carpel tunnel flair up easy.
I hope Zaylee feels ok today. She was hurting yesterday. They rushed her up to KU Med. I guess they really didn't do anything to her. I need to get those clothes in the dryer, and empty out the dryer first. I never did make the bed upstairs. I did get the bug spraying done today too. Should have seen the giant ant colony under the hose holder in the back of the house. Right under the kitchen window. That was probably the big place they were all coming from.
OH By the way, the Bonnie is on now. Curtis still abandons EVERY car he gets rid of. WHY CANT HE SELL OR officialy do it. They say no keys or title. I bet he didn't clean it out, or anything. Funny the silver SHO and this, all through the same website. Maybe even the same tow company. Oh well, time for bed.
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