Sat around all morning playing
On the damn computer. At least I have done two loads of laundry. J had a surprise visit from H. I thought we might first have lunch today since its been awhile since we have done our Saturday Kokopelli's lunch. Have to try it again before the wedding. I plan on going to T's tonight to watch the MMA fights. I have no idea who is fighting so don't ask. Next I am going to run by Costco, maybe Sams. Mom was wanting me to find some Laz-Z-Boy outdoor furniture. What else was I supposed to look for, hell if I know. K should move out tonight. It was nice having a roommate again. Especially someone who did dishes and put them away. Kept the sink clean, and brought up his trash. Not that I have had really any slob roommates than myself. I wont call myself a slob but I don't like cleaning my own messes. I won't lie to you there.
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